MASB Standards - #4
My responses to the evaluation questions of the MASB standards for Standard 4.
6/1/20242 min read
The Michigan Association of School Boards (MASB) has established standards for the governance of both a school board and individual members themselves. They were developed by school board members for school board members to provide a shared framework for effective school district governance. I've taken the liberty of answering the questions they pose to evaluate or prompt successful adoption of each standard so that you can get a better feel for how I will ensure I lead with proper governance. The next few blog posts will contain my responses to these questions, one standard at a time.
Standard 4: The individual school board member approaches school governance work with a spirit of inquiry.
4.a. Is the board member open to discussion without prejudging issues?
As a member of the School Board, it would be my duty to represent the interests of ALL the students of Fenton Public Schools to the fullest of my abilities. I will always keep an open mind about all topics, no matter my opinion on them.
4.b. Does the school board member seek clarity and understanding before forming an opinion?
I have always sought to understand all I can about a topic before I form any opinion or vote on it. A board member should seek to fully understand all items before forming an opinion.
4.c. Does the board member actively seek common ground and work to foster productive relationships with all other members of the Board of Education as well as the superintendent?
I understand the importance of collaboration between school boards and superintendents, because I realize that we are all here to improve student’s lives and provide the best education they can get.
4.d. Does the board member seek out and respect perspectives that are different than their own?
As President of the Fenton Pride Collective, I am constantly faced with anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric. While it is difficult at times to justify the hate speech, I do make it a point to remind myself that everyone is entitled to their opinion. Having earned a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, I cannot morally dismiss anyone else’s opinion because it is different from my own.